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Dear Readers, I hope you understand this posting and this blogpost reaches you well. This posting is not supposed to offend men in any kind or the male gender. However I think the world watching we have commited crime disrespecting , underrestimating and most hurting undervaluing the famale gender. I am currently studying psychology and a professor of mine has explained that intelligence is measurable but not identifiable. There is not in Science. There is not. And we still keep hailing , appreciating and overvaluing men. I was standing with 10 men lately and one woman , very interesting story , on the street waiting the traffic light to turn green. The one woman got verbally abused from her co workers why the lights do not turn green. I thought about having spasms on my right hand towards his face for a second. This is a general problem but it starts and ends within us. I do not think it makes things easier blaming women in our daily lifes. This is a toxic behaivior we keep tolerating in society. We were able fighting for animals and stop animal testing on cosmetics but we were not able fighting for women? Seriously? Let that sink in. And we write the year 2022. Women get payed differently , women get overheard very often they work more. I have heard the most wicked things. The sixth day in bible says that when Eve was seduced by the snake , people assume women as Eve seducing men or even worse a source of sin and it equals their behaivior beforehand. Swear to god I heard that and I wanted to throw something against that person. I am a feminist , and If I would write every single thought we would've been here up until tomorrow. What I think is tabula rasa , scratch the entire book throw it away. We need to teach people new things. Because as we see it leads to wrong behaivior and understanding. I would be thrilled if you would let this posting sink in for a few seconds. Sincerely Liam Eisenberg

Photo: Stephi Gerscht Photos


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